Covid 19″.. its symptoms .. prevention .. hospitalization”

Written by : Al-Sharif Advisor / Ismail El Ansary

Translated into English by : Jihan Al- Garhy

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Covid19 as a pandemic, It has spread around the world, afflicting millions of people and killing more than 300,000 people, namely
: Corona Virus Strain
It is one of the viruses that are not affected by summer
It is a non-air virus
It is a virus that is not transmitted through food
It is viruses that are transmitted by animals and humans

How is the virus “Covid 19” transmitted to the infected person?

By dripping and sneezing
By touching the hard surfaces to which it is attached

Who are the people most vulnerable to Covid 19 ?
Patients (heart, blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, lung)
Contact with infected persons and animals

What are the symptoms of “Covid 19” and how it can be prevented and recovered?

Symptoms of “Covid 19” are in three stages during the injury period, which appear on the patient from 5-6 days and lasts up to 14 days
The first stage : mild symptoms that can be cured, namely :
High body temperature
_dry cough
Feeling tired

The second stage : Symptoms that must be dealt with seriously, follow-up to a doctor, stay at home and not contact until the hospitalization is complete, namely :
Feeling pain and body aches
_Sore throat
_a headache
Loss the sense of taste or smell
A rash or a change in the colour of the fingers or toes

The third stage : which represents a real danger to human life, and it is necessary to go to the quarantine and receive the necessary medical care until it is fully cured :
Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath
A feeling of chest pain or pressure
Loss of speech or movement

Thus, the World Health Organization confirms that “Covid 19” can be resisted and recovered from, although no vaccine or medication has been found so far, but 80% of those infected with “Covid 19” around the world were recovered from it without the need for Treatment, after following the instructions and adhering to the precautionary guidelines and procedures that the World Health Organization requested to be applied in all countries of the world, which are summarized as follows :
Use of masks
Social distance of 1.5 meters
Continue washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds with a massage .

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