Eid Al-Fitr challenges “Covid 19” .. our strength is in our unity

Written by : Al-Sharif Advisor / Esmail El Ansary

Translation : Gihan Elgarhy

With the advent of the blessed Eid Al-Fitr, Muslims in Egypt and the whole world celebrate the passing of the holy month of Ramadan. In this month the Qur’an is recited by the night and at the ends of the day , people pray to God with supplication

Ramadan is the beginning of mercy , Amid Ramadan is forgiveness , the end of Ramadan is free from fire . Ramadan , in which the Night of Al- Qadr is better than worshiping a thousand month, Ramadan in which food is fed, breakfast of the fasting people is done, and zakat is paid, It’s the month in which the gates of the paradise are opened and the gates of the hell are closed, It’s the month in which the world faces the novel Coronavirus “Covid 19”.

With God Willing , Mankind will survive this epidemic with minimal losses if it unites to stop the wars and blood shed on the earth, East and West

All the nations, peoples, kings, rulers and presidents must decide that peace, love and harmony will prevail all over the world, and that everyone will live in security, safety and tranquility, then we will defeat Corona; Because it is not logical to kill each other, and to spend hundreds of billions on wars instead of cooperating together to reach a vaccine for this virus.

We must devote our search efforts , day and night, and race against time to overcome “Covid 19” .. Our strength is in our unity and our defeat is in our separation
Every Eid Al-Fitr and the whole world is in health, wellness and safety.

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