Enzymes of recovering from “Covid 19” are a treatment for the injured .. Be hoping for the recovery of others

Written by : Al-Sharif Advisor / Esmail Al-Ansary

Translated into English by : Jihan Al- Garhy

The “Covid 19” pandemic is still spreading since the beginning of its launch from the Chinese city of Wuhan on December 1, 2019, and for more than six months, it has infected nearly 7 million people in 198 countries around the world, and caused the death of more than 400 thousand people , While nearly 3.5 million people have recovered on all six continents.

Therefore, it was necessary to have a firm stand to confront the “Covid 19” pandemic, far from the World Health Organization,(WHO) which has proven so far unable to manage this crisis .

It is limited to confront the pandemic “Covid 19”; To prevent its spread and eliminate it in two things :

First : Using enzymes available in the blood of those recovering from Covid 19 infection, which scientists call the plasma of the recovered, these enzymes are produced by the immune system and contain vital antibodies, which can be isolated from the blood and used as a serum to treat those infected with Covid 19, and that plasma remains in The body of the recovered up to six months and may last for years.

The percentage of those natural enzymes capable of eliminating epidemics and viruses is 55% of the total vital components of human blood. These enzymes are natural and do not cause any complications or side effects to patients when used.
Unfortunately , the plasma of the recovered was not used in various countries of the world to confront the “Covid 19” virus from the beginning of its appearance six months ago until now … Why? ..We do not know !

The strange thing is that the proportion of those recovering from the “Covid 19” virus is more than 80% of the total infected, who recovered without knowing that they were infected and were cured through these natural enzymes produced by their immune system …!!

The question, why haven’t they been used yet? .. No comment !

The importance of these natural enzymes, which should have been used as a treatment for Covid 19 patients, lies , despite the fact that it is a temporary treatment and the patient needs more than one dose, but it is the available natural treatment available, and is a substitute for medicines and ventilators, as it is able to save the lives of hundreds of thousands Of human beings, who are able to not spread the infection “Covid 19” around the world’s continents until the vaccine was produced, but unfortunately it was not used!

Thus, and the world has resorted to the use of those enzymes produced by the immune system as antibodies from the blood of the recovered to treat the injured, and the success of the plasma of the recovered was confirmed when first used before 1918 when the Spanish flu disease, which caused millions of deaths, continued treatment in those enzymes as bodies Anti-epidemics and viruses with great success, the last of which was when the SARS epidemic broke out in 2002, which afflicted 29 countries and caused the death of many. Scientists call those antibodies the plasma of the recovered.

The second :
It is the necessity of concerted global efforts to speed up the production of a vaccine to eliminate the speed of the outbreak of that pandemic, “Covid 19”, which has harmed the world’s most powerful economies, and the health infrastructure of most countries that collapsed . the pandemic caused the world to be isolated from each other, and stopped its commercial, industrial and tourism movement, and its activities Sport. It was necessary for the Covid 19 virus does not spread, social distancing and household isolation . If the international community did not move to produce vaccine for this virus, the consequence would be disastrous for humanity, and its negative effects would affect it for the next years .
The solution for the world now is to use Enzymes and produce the vaccine .

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