Initial doses of Johnson & Johnson single-shot COVID-19 vaccine delivered to Egypt through African Union agreement


Available on a not-for-profit basis for emergency pandemic use

howaida youssef
First shipments of the
Johnson & Johnson single-shot COVID-19 vaccine have been delivered to Egypt under the terms of the purchase agreement with the African Vaccine Acquisition Trust (AVAT). These initial doses were allocated by the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and its partners, and additional deliveries are expected to follow.

Johnson & Johnson believes that a single-shot, easy to distribute COVID-19 vaccine is an essential tool to combat the pandemic globally. This is why the Company has committed to supply up to a combined 900 million doses of the vaccine to the African Union and the COVAX Facility.

“We are proud to work with the African Union and government of Egypt to contribute to their COVID-19 immunization plan and help the people of Egypt. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have worked tirelessly to develop a single-shot COVID-19 vaccine that is safe, effective, and affordable to help the world combat this devastating public health crisis,” said Ramez Mohsen, Managing Director, Janssen Egypt, North East Africa & Jordan. “The availability of our vaccine in Egypt demonstrates our continued efforts to make a difference in this pandemic on a global scale, and we appreciate the close collaboration with the Egyptian health authorities.”

عن ahmed abd el megid

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