Obesity is a portal of diseases and aging of children

Written by : Al-Sharif Advisor / Ismail Al-Ansary

Translated into English by : Jihan Al-Garhy


For people of determination, strong will, and overweight people, who are coming to life with love, hope and optimism .. Weight removal is a permanent youth and vitality beyond the age of ninety years .. Life without obesity is the pleasure and joy … Together to remove obesity … Together for agility and beauty … Together we live life without disease without obesity Without gaining weight … together to keep our bodies healthy for a happy life for all of us.

* According to estimates by the World Health Organization(WHO), which stated that more than 10% of the population of this world is obese and overweight, who numbered 1.4 billion people

* Research also confirmed that 65% of deaths annually result from obesity and overweight .

* It has also been found that the main cause of the misery of more than half of the world’s population is the diseases caused by obesity and overweight that each family around the world suffers from.

– For this, and in front of those statistics, numbers and evidence, the World Health Organization had to take – years ago – the international measures necessary to stop this danger, which is obesity that kills the health of their owners and kills their lives and causes all their psychological and social problems … and obliges countries to apply them.

The seriousness of obesity and over weight
Obesity is the main cause of weight gain, an increase in body fat and an increase in the percentage of fat in the blood. An increase in these fats by 10% of normal weight leads to many diseases of the heart, lung, bones, joints and vertebrae, and their infection rate is three times the normal person.

And to you, gentlemen interested in your health and the health of others

* A statement of the seriousness of the diseases caused by obesity
Excess obesity causes :
– Increased cholesterol in the blood, which leads to atherosclerosis and occlusion, which causes clots
It also causes a stroke that leads to paralysis.
Obesity causes arthritis, knee roughness, and varicose veins
– It causes pelvic joint pain
– It causes spine pain, vertebra roughness and erosion
– It causes diabetes, which is treated by injecting the patient with insulin as a result of the inability of the pancreas to produce enough for the body, which causes frequent urination and an increased sense of thirst
Obesity causes high blood pressure
– It causes breast cancer, uterine cancer, colon cancer, bladder cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer, and thyroid cancer.

The risk of obesity and overweight for children

Obesity and weight gain cause the children to bend their legs, and surgical intervention may be required
– Causes the inability to collect study materials
– It causes desire to eat and difficulty controlling behaviors and actions
– It causes tension, anxiety, loneliness, and the inability to integrate with classmates, housing, and relatives
Causes fear of the future and a feeling of being unattractive to others
Causes escape from confrontation and resort to tricks for self-defense

The risk of obesity and overweight for women

Obesity causes a woman not to have children due to an accumulation of fat in the abdominal area
Causes more abortions
It causes premature birth
It causes an increase in caesarean sections
Obesity affects the woman’s health and the life cycle of the fetus during pregnancy
– If a woman has diabetes due to increased obesity, her child is at risk of developing diabetes
Women are at risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy
Women are at risk of preeclampsia
Women are at risk of developing urinary tract infection during and after pregnancy, whether it is a normal or caesarean section
Obesity causes delayed wound healing after a cesarean delivery
– It causes a woman not to be able to breathe during sleep, during the last months of pregnancy, such as her breathing stops during sleep and then returns again
Obesity causes high blood pressure during the first months of pregnancy .

The risk of obesity and overweight on men

Research conducted on men aged 30 years from 1862 to 2008 showed that a 4-inch increase in waist fat leads to the following diseases:
Low male sex hormone (testosterone), which causes a man’s sexual inability and weight loss, is the only treatment in this case
– The man’s prostate cancer, which causes involuntary urination
A man has kidney stones

The danger of obesity and weight gain on the psychological and social condition
Obesity causes :
Loss of self-confidence and lack of acceptance of the external appearance of the body
Inability to carry out many activities and hobbies
Increased feeling of depression and deprivation
Avoidance of society, its derision and the tendency to isolation and introvertedness

From the summary of the above ..
We send a humanitarian message to the World Health Organization, from the hearts of the sufferers, the pains of the injured, and the concerns of obesity patients about the necessity of unifying the global healthy food system, activating its control, and obliging countries to eliminate obesity and the resulting serious diseases so that the world can live healthy

Together, without obesity, without disease, without misery, without shame.

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