“The immune system versus ” Covid 19

Written by : Al-Sharif Advisor / Ismail Al-Ansary

Translated into English by : Jihan Elgarhy

The human body has one of the most powerful medical, therapeutic, health, research and scientific devices on Earth, which is the immune system that never stops working, and fights fierce battles and wars unimaginable by the human mind with billions of cells produced every moment to eliminate those harmful bodies that penetrated the human body from Food, drink, or air, such as viruses, bacteria, cancer cells, fungi, and parasites. And the role of the immune system is to protect the human body from any disease or limit its spread

The immune system works through a complex system that our human minds can’t yet analyze or stand up to .. All we have been able to reach is that the immune system sends signals stating the existence of a hostile body, so it moves based on those signals by billions of cells to search for it throughout the body, and when Reaching it , can identify it, and it also determines how it is treated

Also , those cells send new information to the immune system to move with billions of other antibodies that reach the antibody and synthesize it to stop its activity, eliminate it, and annihilate it. And then the immune system sends billions of other cells that secrete chemicals onto the bodies that have been eliminated to  remove them from the body and get rid of them permanently

Here we must say, Praise be to God, that we have such an immune system which works without costing us millions of pounds or making us feel sick, so we go to a doctor or hospital or do tests, analyzes, or rays, or it makes us in need of taking medicines. everyone knows that there are people who lived and died Without feeling ill or needing treatment

My advice to everyone to eliminate the new Corona virus “Covid 19” and any viruses, epidemics, cancer cells, fungi, parasites or microbes, is to maintain the natural immune system .

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