What humanity needs now in order not to be depressed and unhappy

Written by : Al- sharif counselor /Ismail Al Ansary

Translated into English by : Jihan Al Garhy

Life becomes sweet ,and happiness spreads in all its quarters and parts, With compassionate hearts that forgive, forgive and give , despite the cruelty of others to them .
These hearts do not change and continue to send joy, happiness, hope and optimism to all.
They are the owners of pure hearts that are neither polluted by circumstances or conditions nor changed by days, or shaded by clouds of fear and anxiety.
They are the owners of fine character, kind deeds and good taste. Their presence is comfort among us, relief for every fatigue, medicine and cure for every pain and disease.

If life is empty of them, it becomes a jungle, in which the great destroys the small, and the strong eats the weak . If time is generous in them, life becomes heaven and bliss .
I invite everyone to search for every owner of virtue who has loyalty, honesty and competence . Those are the candle of our life that burns to light the lives of others with good , Even if they were their enemies and the reason for their end !

I repeat my call to all : Find them, teach your children and grandchildren how to be like them .. They are the good seed, replant it, they are the beautiful fruit of this life, they are the treasures of the earth and the most precious thing on it.

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