?”Who carries responsibility for the harms of coronavirus “covid19”

Who carries responsibility for the harms of coronavirus “covid19” ?

Written by : The honorable counselor / Esmaeil Elansary

All the world nowadays is facing a fierce and unprecedented war many centuries ago , It’s the war to combat novel coronavirus”Covid19″ That’s the hidden and devastating enemy which gathers hundreds of souls and hurts thousands of individuals every day . All the world is suffering from a great economic crisis by the emergence of this virus which the WHO named it novel coronavirus”covid19″ .

Firstly , this virus emerged in Wuhan, China, on December 2019 . Here we can ask a main question : Who is responsible for the emergence of this virus ? Who is responsible for all harms and damages which the whole countries are suffering from worldwide ?

These harms caused a delay in all daily life activities of human beings , individuals , companies , authorities , establishments and factories , These harms stopped Navigation and all commercial traffic among the countries of the world, stopped all forms of transfer and mobility , tourism , recreation against life worries and troubles

So , we should send an urgent call to all world leaders to form an international staff including presidents and kings to manage such this kind of crises . We should collect all proofs , documents and facts through medical , research and informational staff to reach specific results to determine who is responsible for the spread of novel coronavirus “covid 19” worldwide ? How do we hold him accountable ? How can we compensate the affected countries , and the means to achieve this with clear mechanisms . committees should be held inside every country to determine and estimate these damages , in preparation for submission to the authority that we will define in future .

As a matter of fact , we want all the world to live in peace , security , safety and cooperation to achieve happiness , life , welfare and prosperity for humankind , not destruction and damage . We send an urgent call for every one through social media as it is the most effective and widespread method , to support our opinion which we all care and by which we can overcome corona crisis and all other crises

We should find means not to face the crisis when it occurs , but to prevent its occurrence , That’s possible if we unite , both countries , peoples and individuals to achieve that . As long as social media are present , there is hope and the results are promising for all humanity .

In the midst of events of novel coronavirus “covid19” , we discovered that all the world is like one body , suffers and pains for the others .

We repeat again , the purpose of our call is getting ready for future willingness to account every responsible for economic damages , citizen souls and the health of any country .

The country which caused this crisis should take responsibility for the harms result in . Whatever the causes are , either they are laboratory researches or developing a defense system . The most important matter is to account the responsible in order to protect the peace system and the international community security from any harms , There should be a penalty and deterrent punishment for any incitant responsible for these crises in future .

My call for all , is to work with all our might , all our energy , with one team spirit . Every one should know well that we are in one boat , either we all survive , or we all drown . The individual interests and the supremacy will not benefit any one . In cooperation , we hope the future will be better for all of us .

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    1. هذه المقالة تعني أن هناك من تسبب في استحضار فيروس كورونا من أحد الدول . ونحتاج الي تحقيق في المتسبب . انه ليس قدرنا ووباء تفشي من عند الله هو طبعا من عند الخالق ولكن هناك متسبب بشري فيه من احدي الدول . فليفسر كاتب المقالة ماذا يعني بمقالته؟؟

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